黄 钺
黄 钺
“As a legged robot moves, a sea-level-rise change realm within a space gradually unfolds...”
Drift of the Uncharted
Agent-Based Art
Quadruped Robot, Moving Projection, Climate Prediction
Artificial Life: One Leg at a Time
Agent-Based Art
Refocement Learning, Game Engine
Return to the Peach Blossom Wonderland
Infinite Cinema
3 Channel Video, Style Transfer Algorithm
Buffer Beach, Let the Waves Render
Software Matter Aesthetics
Nomadic Annotators
Speculative Fiction
Video, Virtual Production
I Just Stay in my home, Not Go Anywhere
Software Matter Aesthetics
“ in The Amphibious Rover LDN2030 are adopted for scouting several flooded locations in London,
exploring these places that humans can no longer easily approach to.”
Amphibious Rover LDN2030 Scouting Log
Agent-Based Art
Rover Robot, Expanded Cinema
Phalaenopsis and their Friends Whisper their Tales
Interactive System, Multi-Species Theatre
Fish, Tree Rings and Memory
©2025 Ary-Yue Huang